View Checklist details

After creating a Checklist, you can quickly view the details of an existing Checklist.


In the Moments™ Console, go to the Checklists Management Page.


1. Click on Checklists in the left navigation menu



2. Locate the row for the specific Checklist you want to view, click on the row to expand its details



This will expand the row downwards to show you a quick summary of the details saved to the Checklist. Clicking on the expanded row will collapse it upwards and hide the details of the Checklist. 


3. You can also click the more menu (3 dots)



4. Click on the Edit option



5. This opens the Update Checklist panel where you can view the full details.

With the Update Checklist panel open, you can edit the Checklist, preview the Checklist, or enable/disable it.

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