can send you transcripts of your voicemail messages via email. This gives you the ability to search for important voicemails in your email browser. Enabling this feature is easy, and can be performed by any Revenue Admin user.
Log into Admin Console with your Salesforce credentials. | |
Click RingDNA Dialer in the left-hand navigation menu, then select RingDNA Dialer Settings. | |
Scroll Down to Voicemail Transcription. Click the Off switch to the On position next to Enable Transcription to enable the feature. Once the feature is enabled, scroll up to the top of the page and click the Save button to apply the change. |
To enable voicemail transcription by country, select the Off button next to Allow Granular Control. Then click the box next to the countries you'd like to enable voicemail transcription for. | |
To exclude words from Voicemail Transcription (such as profanity) scroll down to Voicemail Settings. Then, enter the words you'd like Revenue to exclude in the text box next to Voicemail Transcription Blacklist. |