Edit a Content item

How To Edit an Existing Content Item

These steps apply when updating an existing Notification. 

1. On the Update Moments™ Notification form, scroll to the bottom of the form to locate the Moments™ Content section.

2. Click the pencil icon on the linked Content item to open the Content panel.

3. Within the panel, make the desired edits to the required fields (Content Title, Content Body, Content Type, Category) or the optional fields (Link URL and Link Display Text).

4. Click the Save button within the Content panel to save the changes to the Content Item. 

5. The updated Content Item remains linked to this Notification.

6. Click the Save button on the Moments™ Notification form to save the notification.

Tip: As an alternative, you can Edit an existing Content item by locating a specific Content item on the Content List page and clicking the Edit button.


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