To enable Call Forwarding in the RingDNA Communications Hub, follow these steps:
1.) Log into the Admin Console
2.) In the left hand navigation, under Products, click RingDNA and select the RingDNA Settings link:
3.) Scroll down to the Call Forwarding section:
4.) Turn on the Call Forwarding toggle:
Note: To lock or unlock your Call Forwarding preferences, click the lock icon next to the settings:
5.) Choose to enable or disable Call Forwarding Prompts. When enabled, to accept a forwarded call, the user at the forwarding number will be prompted to press a key to accept the call. This setting can be locked/unlocked.
6.) Use the Call Forwarding Timeout setting to set how long (in seconds) a forwarded call will ring before timing out. After timeout, the call is treated as a no answer. This setting can be locked/unlocked.
7.) To disable offline Call Forwarding, turn the Disable Offline Forwarding toggle ON. This setting can be locked/unlocked:
8.) Scroll to the top of the screen and click Save: