Click-to-Call Domain Blacklist allows Admins to enter domains and sub-domains where Click-to-Call functionality should be disabled for the RingDNA Communications Hub. (If a domain is entered in the Blacklist, will disable click-to-call for the domain's sub-domains as well.)
To blacklist domains, follow these steps:
1.) Log into the Admin Console
2.) In the left hand navigation, under Products, click RingDNA and select the RingDNA Settings link:
3.) Scroll down to the Click-to-Call Domain Blacklist setting:
4.) In the text field, type all of the domains or subdomains that you would like blacklisted and separate them each with commas.
Prior to blacklisting a domain, Click-to-Call is enabled:
After blacklisting a domain, Click-to-Call is disabled:
5.) Scroll to the top of the screen and click Save: