Manage Compliance settings for RingDNA

To enable Compliance settings in the RingDNA Communications Hub, follow these steps:

1.) Log into the Admin Console

2.) In the left hand navigation, under Products, click RingDNA and select the RingDNA Settings link:


3.) Scroll down to the Honor Do Not Call Or Email setting. Enable (turn ON) this setting to prevent users from making a call or email in RingDNA to records that have the Salesforce field Do Not Call or Email marked as True.


4.) Scroll down to the Compliance Hours settings group:



5.) Use this setting to restrict outbound calls to numbers where the local time falls outside of the set hours. (Unset days will remain unrestricted.) To enable the setting, first toggle the setting ON. This reveals the Compliance Hours table. In this table, you can configure the compliance hours for each day of the week. Select the day of the week to edit by clicking an "Update" button in the corresponding row you wish to edit:



6.) On the Set Compliance Hours modal, set the Hour, Minute and Time Period (AM/PM) or optionally click the "All Day" checkbox. Then click Save:



7.) After saving your compliance hours, the table will be updated with the values entered on the previous screen:



8.) Scroll to the top of the screen and click Save:




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