View Analytics for Actions on Engage
As you complete Sequence actions, cards in the top section of Engage will update to reflect your progress and success metrics.
Analytics Overview
Cards on Engage provide an overview of rolled-up activity for the agent on that day. Cards that may display include the following:
Completed- Number of Sequence actions completed today. Actions include calls, SMS, tasks, and automatic and manual emails. This card will filter by Action type if you filter the page by a specific action (e.g., call, email, etc.)
Leads Converted- tracks the number of leads converted today by the agent. This will only appear if one of two conditions are met: a lead is converted or an action related to a lead appears is currently in queue. This accounts for org’s that do not use leads.
Unique Touches- Number of participants the agent has completed Sequence Actions for. For example, if an agent has sent two phone calls the same lead, that will count as one unique touch.
Email Open- Number of emails sent that have been opened by its recipient today.
Each card is clickable to take you to a Salesforce report containing records included in the metric.
Reporting will be limited based on the user’s Salesforce permissions.