Advanced Solution Package Triggers
The Advanced Solutions Package provides a series of triggers and workflows to capture at the Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, and Campaign Object level. These Time to First Response metrics captured on each object enable simplified reporting and insights into how your agents are engaging with each corresponding object. Based on your specific workflows and needs, Administrators can enable or disable these triggers.
This document highlights the purpose, value, and impact of each of the triggers in the package.
Users must have the RingDNA Agent Permission Set applied in Salesforce to access these triggers and the related fields. If data is not populating, please ensure this permission set has been added.
Package Triggers
Related Record Triggers
Logging Time to First Response Metrics to Related Records and Custom Objects- The UpdateLeadTimeToRespond (on Task) trigger while not indicated by its name, controls the package's ability to log time to first response metrics on all of the standard and custom objects within this package.If this trigger is disabled, all other triggers will in effect be rendered disabled as they all rely on this primary trigger to function.
The following triggers prevent SFDC users from overwriting the Time to First Response metric fields while editing an account, lead, contact, opportunity, or campaign records.
Updating Related records with Time to First Response Metrics- The workflow rules should be activated, if not already, to allow the trigger UpdateLeadTimeToRespond to bypass your validation rules on lead and contact records in order to update Time to First Response metrics successfully. Each related record is controlled by an object-specific trigger. Please note that if UpdateLeadTimeToRespond is disabled, all related record logging of time to first response metrics will be suspended.
- CheckAccountFieldUpdate (on Account)
- CheckLeadFieldUpdate (on Lead)
- CheckContactFieldUpdate (on Contact)
- CheckOpportunityFieldUpdate (on Opportunity)
- CheckCampaignFieldUpdate (on Campaign)
Agent Opportunity Stats
Logging Call Activity to the Agent Stat Object (Optional)- Agent Stats measure the effectiveness of calls per agent or rep by calculating the ratio of his or her Dials to Connect, Dials to Opportunities and Dials to Won Opportunities. It stores the relevant data in the custom object called Agent Stat. The population of these custom object records are controlled by the UpdateRevenue.ioAgentStatsFromTask trigger.
Dependent on the UpdateRevenue.ioAgentStatsFromTask trigger, the UpdateRevenue.ioAgentStatsFromOpportunity trigger allows for the reporting of Dials to Opportunities and Dials to Won Opportunity metrics for an Agent. This insight is critical to track not just the overall volume of user activity but their efficacy.
- UpdateRevenue.ioAgentStatsFromTask (on Task)
- UpdateRevenue.ioAgentStatsFromOpportunity (on Opportunity)
Link Calls to Opportunities
Linking Calls to Opportunities (Optional)- The Link Calls to Opportunities Trigger (LinkCallsToOpportunities) links a call to contact, whose phone number is unique in Salesforce, to an associated opportunity automatically. (We recommend disabling this feature if you are leveraging Related Records in the dialer which all of the explicit mapping of a call to an opportunity.
This links call to a contact, whose phone number is unique in Salesforce, to an associated opportunity automatically. This can be safely turned off as we now use the Related Records tab within RingDNA.
- LinkCallsToOpportunity (on Task)
Call Backs
Tracking the Efficiency of Voicemails (Optional)- The UpdateTaskOnCallback (on Task) trigger measures the effectiveness of the Local Presence and the Automated Voicemail feature. It determines if someone called back as a result of the agent using one or both of these features, mainly the Automated Voicemail feature.
Measures the effectiveness of the Local Presence and Automated Voicemail features. This determines if someone has called back as a result of the Agent using one or both of these features.
- UpdateTaskOnCallback (on Task)
Disabling Triggers
Learn how to disable individual triggers within the package.