Once a team is created, admins of the Revenue.io platform can easily manage the supervisors for a team. To start managing supervisors, simply navigate to an individual team from the teams tab of the Revenue.io admin console.
Adding Supervisors to a Team
Once an individual team has been selected, you can view all of the relevant information associated with the team including basic information, members, supervisors, and team-specific RingDNA dialer settings.
To manage supervisors for a team, scroll down the page to find the "Supervisors" section.
Once there, you will see a list of all supervisors associated with the team along with a quick link to their profile, title, location, and the number of teams that they are associated with.
To add a new supervisor, select the "+" button in line with the Supervisors section
Once selected, a modal will open allowing you to add a supervisor to the team. What is presented is a list of users in your organization that is not currently associated with the Team as a Supervisor or a member.
Note that users can be a supervisor or a member of a team but not both.
Once you have found the Revenue.io user that you wish to add to the Tam as a supervisor select the checkbox associated with their user. Once you have selected the user(s) that you wish to add, select the "add" button at the footer of the Modal. You may need to scroll to the bottom of the page depending on the number of users that you have in your account.
Upon selection of the user(s) that you want to add as Supervisors, you will now see each individual represented in the supervisor's list of the team.
As soon as a supervisor is added to the Team they will then inherit capabilities to manage the members of the team as outlined in our teams overview article.
Removing a Supervisor from a Team
If you wish to remove a Supervisor from a team, simply select the "X" button in line with the supervisor that you wish to remove.
On selection of the button, you will receive a confirmation prompt stating "Are you sure you want to delete this" and the option to confirm the action by selecting the "OK" button or selecting the "Cancel" option to close the modal and keep the Supervisor associated with the team.
Viewing and Managing Teams Associated with a Revenue.io User
Within the Revenue.io platform, a user can have a relationship with multiple teams. They may be supervisors across multiple groups, an individual contributor who has multiple roles, or a user who is a supervisor to a handful of users but a part of a larger group.
To view and manage the teams associated with an individual user, simply navigate to a user's profile page to view relevant teams' information along with basic user details, and the products that the user has enabled.
From the individual user page, you can select the Teams associated with a user to quickly navigate to a Team, remove that user from a Team, or add a user to a new team directly.
By selecting the "+" button associated with the team's list, a modal appears allowing you to add a user to team(s) as a member. Note that to add a supervisor to a team, you must add the user explicitly as a supervisor on an individual team page.
Select from the drop-down of teams associated with your account or use the search type ahead to search and find matching results.
Once you have selected the Team(s) that you want to associate the user to as a member, select the save button to associate the user with the team(s). If you wish to close the model and not add the user to the designated team(s), select the cancel button to close the modal.