Manage Call Dispositions for RingDNA

Manage Call Dispositions allows different cohorts of users to have unique sets of Call Dispositions.  

Rather than one long list visible to everyone, users can have Disposition lists that are specific to their Team. Even better, these lists can be unique to inbound and outbound calls. Please follow the steps below to enable this feature:


Step 1: Log in to Admin Console. Click RingDNA in the left hand navigation and select Call Actions

On the "Manage Call Dispositions" tab, locate the Manage Call Dispositions toggle


Step 2: Click the Manage Call Dispositions toggle to turn the setting ON Dispos2.png
Step 3: Admins will then be prompted with a confirmation window. Click the checkboxes and then click "Save" to proceed.
A new Call Disposition section will be visible on the page. Admins can customize their disposition list in this section by clicking the Add Disposition button to add a Disposition to the list, or by clicking the edit icon next to a  Disposition to edit or delete it.

Please note, Admins will need to click the Sync to Salesforce button after each addition or subtraction so Dispositions can be accurately updated in Salesforce.

When a user clicks Sync to Salesforce, will use that user's Salesforce permissions to write the Disposition value(s) to the Disposition pick-list field in SFDC. Therefore, only users who are Salesforce Administrators will be sync Dispositions successfully. 


Adding new Call Dispositions and assigning them to Teams in Bulk

Step 1: Scroll to the Manage Call Dispositions tab on the Call Actions page and click on the Add Disposition button.
Step 2: Type a Call Disposition name value and choose an Outcome Category (see Call Disposition Outcome Categories for details).
Step 3: You'll see a list of all Teams in your account. By default, all teams are checked (for both Inbound and Outbound calls). Click Save to assign this new Call Disposition to all Teams or optionally continue below to Step 4 where Team assignments can be customized.
Step 4: If you want to assign a Call Disposition to only a few select teams, the easiest way to accomplish this is to unselect ALL Teams (from both the Inbound and Outbound columns). Click on the checkbox in the header of each row to unselect all.
Step 5:To search for specific teams, enter search criteria in the Search field and click the Search button
Step 6: Click Save to assign the Disposition to the selected Team(s)
Step 7: To edit an existing Call Disposition, click the edit button and edit the settings per your needs


Customize Disposition Lists at the Team level

Admins can customize which dispositions are surfaced in the RingDNA Communications Hub based on a user's Team and whether the call was inbound or outbound. To do this:

Step 1: To allow Teams to set their own "Call Disposition Required" policy, check the box next to Manage By Team, (located in the RingDNA Settings page in Admin Console). Leave this box unchecked if you want to prevent Teams from setting divergent policies on requiring Call Dispositions.
When this box is checked, Teams will see the "Call Disposition Required" setting appear on their pages mceclip11.png
Step 2: Click Teams in the sidebar, then select the Team you'd like to customize the disposition list for. mceclip5.png
On the Team's profile page, check or uncheck dispositions you’d like to surface to the Members of that Team under the Call Dispositions header.

If you'd like the Disposition to surface depending on call direction, only check the box in the corresponding direction's column. For example, if a Disposition should only be surfaced for Inbound calls only then the Outbound box should be unchecked. If the disposition should not be surfaced uncheck the Inbound checkbox and the Outbound checkbox.

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