Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking

Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking Distribution Strategy

When creating or editing a Call Queue, Admins can select a Distribution Strategy option in theCall Processing section called Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking. This option ensures that Revenue.io will keep an inbound caller on hold until an agent is reached based on Longest Waiting Agent or the Maximum Hold Time is met. Similar to Simul-ring, Revenue.io will keep the caller actively on the line (with optional hold music being played) even when all Agents of a queue are actively helping other callers.

To begin utilizing Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking, log into the Revenue.io Admin Console (https://app.ringdna.net) and click on "Call Queues" in the left hand navigation bar. From there, click on "Add New" to create a new Queue (or "Manage" to update an existing Queue).

After the Call Queue Details, Smart Number, and Members sections are configured, proceed to the Call Processing section and select "Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking" from the dropdown:


To customize the Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking distribution strategy, three fields are available. Details on the behavior of these fields are outlined below.

Maximum Hold Time (seconds)

In this field, Admins can enter the maximum number of seconds that callers should be held in the Queue while Revenue.io attempts to dial an available agent. 

A default value of 300 seconds (5 minutes) is populated in the field. This can be customized per your organization's needs. A minimum value of 10 seconds and a maximum value of 9999 seconds are allowed.

Dial Timeout (seconds)

In this field, Admins enter the length of time to which each individual available Agent will be dialed in the Queue.

If no agent answers, wait this long before dialing the list again (seconds)

In this field, the numeric value entered represents the total number of seconds Revenue.io will wait before attempting to dial the list of Agents again. This setting is important for scenarios where there are no available agents to answer the Queue call. After attempting to dial each of the agents, this setting provides a short delay before attempting to dialing from the top of the list again. 

A default value of 10 seconds is populated in the field. This can be customized per your organization's needs. A minimum value of 10 seconds and a maximum value of 9999 seconds are allowed. 

NOTE: The value entered here should be less than the value entered in the "Maximum Hold Time" field. If the value entered is greater than the value entered in the "Maximum Hold Time" field, then the "Maximum Hold Time" field value prevails. 

Forwarding Call Flows to Call Queues

When a Call Flow Dial step is configured to forward to a Call Queue that uses the "Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking" distribution strategy, the following options are available on the Dial step:

  • "Go to No Answer step" checkbox: when the "Go to No Answer step if there are no subscribers to the call queue" checkbox is checked, if the Call Queue has no subscribers, then the Call Flow will skip the Dial step and proceed to a "No Answer" step.
  • Hold music: Upload an mp3 of the hold music you wish to play while the call is parked in the Call Queue
  • Timeout after ___ seconds: The value saved on the Call Queue "Maximum Hold Time (seconds)" setting is displayed here.

Call Flow that forwards to a Call Queue with Longest Waiting Agent with Call Parking distribution strategy

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