How to Customize Call Dispositions in Revenue

Customizing Call Dispositions in Salesforce
A call disposition describes the outcome of an outbound call. By tracking various call outcomes (such as "busy," "disconnected number," "live transfer," "voicemail" etc.), managers can gain insight that they can use to help sales teams succeed. 

If you’ve installed the RingDNA for Salesforce package from the AppExchange, your Salesforce account already has a default set of Call Dispositions configured for use in the RingDNA Dialer. As many of our customers have unique business processes and tracking needs, we recommend that your Salesforce administrator customize the call disposition options for your team.

Step 1: From Salesforce, navigate to "Setup" in the upper right hand corner of your screen

Step 2: In the Quick Find search window on the left navigation pane, type in "Objects" and select the Create > Objects option from the search results below

In Salesforce Lightning, Instead choose Object Manager at the top of Setup.

Step 3: Select "Conversation" from the list of objects. Then select the "Call Disposition" field from the list of custom fields.

Step 4: At the bottom of the field page, you’ll find a section called "Picklist Values".  You can delete or edit values direction from this page.

Step 5: After you’ve made your changes,  please contact RingDNA Support at to refresh the list of dispositions in your RingDNA Dialer extension.

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