Guide to Voicemail Drop

Voicemail Drop enables you to leave a pre-recorded voicemail message for prospects, eliminating the need for the agent to record a brand new voicemail each time.

Using Voicemail Drop

Voicemail Drop enables you to leave a pre-recorded voicemail message for prospects, eliminating the need for the agent to record a brand new voicemail each time.

Step 1: Record custom voicemail messages by clicking on Settings. Then click on the Voicemail Drop tab.



Step 2: Click the Add Automated Voicemail button to create a new voicemail.



Step 3: Label your voicemail message in the Voicemail label field and then click Record to record a new message.



Step 4: Press Stop when you’re done recording.



Step 5: Click the Play button to listen to your message. When you’re happy with the message you’ve recorded, click the Save button.


Note: If the Record button is greyed out / un-clickable even if you enter the title of the voicemail to be recorded, it means that does not have the correct permissions in Chrome to access the microphone. Follow these steps to enable access:

  1.  Go to chrome://settings/contentExceptions#media-stream-mic
  2. Within the list that appears, locate the one that says "" and click the grey "X" next to it.
  3. Reload the RingDNA Dialer
  4. When prompted, select "Allow" when asks for microphone access



Step 6: Then dial your contacts as usual. Selecting an automated voicemail from your list will play a prerecorded voicemail greeting.

Note: Be sure to wait for the “beep” before selecting a voicemail. The timing is important since simply plays a recording of the greeting in the background when you select an automated voicemail.


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