Insights: Analytics Details - Conversation Topics


Conversation Topics are a collection of dashboards and reports focused on the frequency of Keywords and Keyword Groups trending over time. Keyword impact reports answer questions like:

  • which Keywords come up most frequently?
  • are certain Keywords trending up or down?
  • when within a conversation are keywords mentioned?

The three primary Conversation topic dashboards are:

Notable Filters across all Conversation Topic dashboards:

  • User name: The name of the Rep that hosted the call. This filter, combined with the Speaker filter, setting of Agent will show a Reps usage of Keyword Groups and keywords (over time, who said it first, when in a conversation.)
  • Team name: Filter data to only show keywords used within conversations hosted by Reps on a particular team.
  • Call Disposition: Filters data to show keywords used on calls that had a particular disposition set. This is powerful to help identify trends in keywords used on calls with positive dispositions versus calls with negative dispositions.
  • Keyword Group: Filter the reports to show the usage of the top 20 Keywords within a Keyword group (when this filter is not applied, report data displays keyword group aggregates)
  • Speaker: Filter allowing you to look at the keyword usage segmented by speaker role [Agent (Rep), Participant (Lead/Prospect), Anyone.]

Over Time

The Over Time report shows the changes in usage of a keyword over any time period, by speaker (Rep vs Participant vs. Anyone). This report is powerful in identifying changes in what is being said (or not said) over time. Filtering by keyword speaker, call disposition, Rep/Team, unlocks powerful use cases such as evaluating training effectiveness, understanding what features are mentioned on calls with positive dispositions versus calls with negative dispositions, and monitoring which and how often competitor names are mentioned.

When selecting a date range using the Start Date and End Date Filters, the reports will show two bars. The first bar presents the keyword usage for the selected start and end date, and the second bar represents the keyword usage for an equal amount of time prior to the start date selected.

e.g., selecting a start date of September 1st, and an end date of September 30th will result in one bar showing that 30 day range (9/1-9/30) and a second bar showing the keyword usage for the preceding 30 days (8/02-8/31.)

Pro Tip: A Competitor name Keyword Group is particularly powerful within this report as it can be used to evaluate how often competitors' names are raised, and monitor and identify market shifts based on fluctuations in the rate each competitor is mentioned (Particularly powerful when looking at competitor mentions on calls with negative dispositions)


  • Keyword Group Trends: Top Keyword Groups
    • Shows the Top 20 Keyword Groups (Keywords when the Keyword Group filter is applied) used within the selected timeframe
  • Keyword Group Trends: Bottom Keyword Groups
    • Shows the 20 least frequently used Keyword Groups (Keywords when the Keyword Group filter is applied) within the selected timeframe
  • Keywords within a group change over time (when the Keyword Group filter is applied)
    • Shows the top 20 most frequently used keywords within a Keyword group and changes in that usage compared to the preceding time period. 



Who Said It First

Who Said It First shows the percentage of calls where a rep or participant mentioned a Keyword first. Use the Keyword Group filter to show the first mentions for each Keyword in a group. Or, use the User Name and Team Name filters to show mentions by rep or participant.

Use this report to ensure that objection Keywords, like competitors, aren't being unnecessarily brought into a conversation by an agent. Objections are common throughout the sales process, but sometimes they're unnecessarily introduced on a call if an agent brings them up before the customer does. For example, this can occur if an agent uses a competitor's name as a value crutch when pitching their own product or feature (“We’re just like XYZ company”).  Another example is if an agent incorrectly assumes the customer has an objection to a line item, like pricing, and asks, "Is that too expensive?" which prematurely opens the door for pricing negotiations.

If this report shows that agents are mentioning Keywords or phrases like these, there may be an opportunity to coach them out of this behavior and reduce the likelihood of objections being introduced on a call. 


  • Top Keyword Groups broken out by who said it first
    • Shows the split between Host (Rep/Agent) versus Participant (lead/contact) in regards to who mentioned a keyword within a keyword group first, for the top 20 Keyword Groups used.
  • Keywords within a group who mentioned first (when the Keyword Group filter is applied)
    • Shows the split between Host (Rep/Agent) versus Participant (lead/contact) in regards to who first mentioned each keyword, for the top 20 Keywords within the selected keyword group.



Occurrence in Conversation

The Occurrence in Conversation dashboard provides insights into where within a conversation, Keyword groups and keywords are mentioned, segmentable by the speaker of the keywords (Rep vs Participant vs. Anyone).

This report shows what is being discussed at different sections of calls, based on the time frame selected.  Managers and coaches are able to examine which topics are discussed early or late, based on a percentage of the progress of the call. This gives users the ability to see at what points within a call a particular keyword group of interest commonly appears. 

Context matters a lot here, so we recommend starting by filtering with either Keyword Group and/or Team Name. The color on this matrix is designed to help you visualize the highest and lowest points, so start by looking at the cells with either the darkest or lightest colors. Then ask yourself: Is this what I was expecting to see? From there, you can dig in further and add other filters, such as Call Disposition, Speaker or Location (i.e., territory). 

The Total for each Keyword Group/Keyword (when the Keyword Group filter is applied) row is 100 (+/- small rounding deviations) as it signifies when this keyword group is used, at what point of a conversation are they most frequently used.


  • Keyword Groups Heatmap of Occurrence In Conversations
    • Shows The breakdown of where within a conversation (based on 10% increments) keyword groups are most commonly mentioned (when mentioned) within a conversation.
  • Keyword Heatmap of Occurrence In Conversations (when the Keyword Group filter is applied)
    • Shows The breakdown of where within a conversation (based on 10% increments) keywords are most commonly mentioned (when mentioned) within a conversation.


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