Managing what conversations users can view in Conversation AI

Within Conversation AI, managers can define what recordings are contextual to users. This ensures that Conversation AI users have access to the right recordings for feedback. Please note that access to recordings in Conversation AI is based on the following principles:

  1. Relevance- Admins can manage what recordings are relevant to an individual CAI user. This could be just their recordings, their team's recordings, and all recordings in the system. 
  2. Permissions- Conversation AI uses Salesforce activity permissions as a validation to ensure that reps have access to the underlying activity and event associated with a Conversation. Simply put, if a user does not have permission to access a task that is associated with a call or an event that is associated with a video conference meeting, they will not be able to access a conversation. To learn more about configuring Salesforce event sharing settings, please view this Salesforce help article

Managing Relevance

Admins can configure what conversations users can view in Conversation AI, by clicking on the  User Management tab within Settings of the left navigation panel in the section called CAI Admin Settings.

To update Conversation visibility settings for a user, find the user within the user list (use name search to help find a specific user quickly) and click on the three dots next to the user's settings you want to update, and then click Edit.


Once you select the Edit option, you will be provided a modal to set the visibility permissions level for the user. The available configuration options are as follows:

  • User Conversations - Users can only view recordings where they are assigned to an agent for calls and the host for video calls.
  • Team Conversations - When designated, users can view the conversations of members within their associated team(s). Members of a team cannot view their supervisor's conversations.
  • All Conversations - Users can view all conversations for all users within Conversation AI

By default new Conversation AI users will default to the "User Conversations" option.

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After you have made any updates to a user's settings, simply select save to close the modal and save the new configuration to Conversation AI.

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