One Way Audio

One-way audio comes in two forms: when your prospect can only hear you, or when you can only hear your prospect.

  • Unable to hear your prospect but have an indication that they can hear you
  • If you do hear your prospect but they cannot hear you



  • If you do not hear your prospect but have an indication that they can hear you, it is possible that their microphone is muted or they are having connectivity issues. It's also possible your headset or output device may be misconfigured.
  • If you do hear your prospect but they cannot hear you, it is important to check your phone or desktop's audio settings to ensure it is not muted and the correct microphone is selected.

Trying to isolate which part of your system is failing or causing issues.  

  1. Replace or swap out your headset with someone else
  2. Deliver calls to a separate call forwarding device (mobile / desk phone etc.)
  3. Change physical location, take calls from home
  4. Use a direct network connection (not Wifi)
  5. Use a wired headset (not Bluetooth)

If you are using a computer, the wrong audio output device might be selected.

You can specify the audio device you want to use for your speakers in your computer's settings.
  1. Open the Sound settings (in Windows 7, this is under Control Panel > Manage Audio Devices).
  2. On the Playback tab, select the speakers that you want to use.
  3. Click Set Default, then click OK.
If you are using a Windows computer, then your speaker setup might need adjustment.
Windows Vista and Windows 7 allow you to configure the Sound Control panel to allow for multiple speaker arrangements. These settings may need to be adjusted if you cannot hear sound through your headphones or speakers.
  1. Open the Sound settings (in Windows 7, this is under Control Panel > Manage Audio Devices).
  2. On the Playback tab, select the speakers that you want to use. If it is not displayed, then make sure it is plugged in.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. Under "Audio Channels", try using a different audio channel setting.
  5. Click Test to ensure your arrangement is working correctly.
  6. Click Next > Next > Finish.
If neither of you is experiencing phone issues that could explain the one-way audio, there could be issues with the carrier or network.

Contact Support

If you are still experiencing issues, contact Support:

  1. Submit a call report to Revenue in the RingDNA Dialer (if you have not already done so)
    • Categorize the call as One Way Audio.
    • Provide as many call reports related to the issue as possible.
    • For audio quality issues, it’s helpful to provide a sense of severity.
    • Provide this feedback in the call report ‘Note’ field after clicking “Report this Call”
      • What sounds did you hear?
      • What issues did you encounter?
      • Does there appear to be a particular country or region where you experience issues more acutely?
  2. Contact support directly

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