Unable to Login

Overview of common reasons for Salesforce and Revenue.io login issues

Revenue.io uses Salesforce OAuth to validate your login session with our applications. This means that when you are entering your Salesforce credentials, you are doing so on a Salesforce page. Once you are successfully authenticated, Salesforce will give you the option to allow Revenue.io access.

When encountering an error during login, We recommend first doing a web search for your error in case it's a common Salesforce authentication error. There may be specific documentation from Salesforce on how to solve your issue.

Most common reasons for Salesforce login issues:

  • Multiple Salesforce sessions being open at once.Try clearing your cache and cookies. This will log you out of Salesforce and allow you to login with fresh session.
  • Salesforce Username/Password is incorrect.Check that the credentials are correct. If you use SSO or a Custom Domain in Salesforce (eg: acme.lightning.force.com or acme.my.salesforce.com), you may need to select the optionUse Custom Domain to be directed to the correct Salesforce instance.
  • System clock is out of sync. Salesforce requires that your system clock is in sync in order to generate a valid session token. Ensure that your computer is configured to sync it's clock with the internet.

Application Error Codes:

There are some situations in which a user is able to authenticate, but Revenue.io is unable to grant access to the account. The most common reasons for this are outlined below.
  • Code: User Deleted
    • The user attempting to login has been deleted by the account's administrator. Your administrator will need to reactivate the user before they can login again.
  • Code: MultipleAccounts
    • There are multiple accounts associated with the Salesforce Org ID. No user has been created and associated with one of the accounts. Your administrator will need to create a user in Revenue.io and assign it to an account.
  • Code: No User Found
    • There is no user in Revenue.io associated with the Salesforce user. Your administrator will need to create a user in Revenue.io.
  • Code: OrgIdMismatch, id: <OrgID>-<OrgID>
    • Commonly encountered if you have previously logged into Revenue.io from a sandbox and recently refreshed this sandbox. Our application will have the previous OrgID stored which is preventing successful authentication. Contact our support team with your new Salesforce OrgID to update or for assistance with creating a new sandbox in Revenue.io.
  • Salesforce OAuth failed: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"ip restricted}
    • Your organization restricts login access to an IP range. Your Salesforce Administrator will need to whitelist our range of IPs.
  • API Is Disabled For This User
    • A user must have API access in order to authenticate external applications to Salesforce. Enabling API access can only be done by a System Administrator in Salesforce. Revenue.io Support does not have access to making this change for you.
  • Maximum SmartNumbers provisioned
    • All available SmartNumbers have been provisioned in the account. An Administrator will need to use the "Request License" button on the License tab to request additional numbers.
  • Request Limit Exceeded: {Salesforce error: [REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED] TotalRequests Limit exceeded.} 
    • If you are receiving this error, it means that you have exceeded your Salesforce API request limit. This usually occurs when you make a large amount of Salesforce API calls in a 24-hour period. This will prevent RingDNA and any other 3rd party integrations that you have with Salesforce from sending data to / retrieving data from your Salesforce org. You can view your current API requests/limit following these steps: Sign in to Salesforce.com and click Setup → Navigate to Company Profile > Company Information → Review the field called API Requests, Last 24 Hours. You can increase your API limit temporarily by reaching out to your Salesforce account representative.

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