Revenue enables you to report any issues you experience and are unable to resolve directly from your dialer. The information that you provide in call reports helps our team to troubleshoot any issues as quickly as possible.
Be sure to report each individual call that is affected. It takes at least three call reports within a 24 hour period for a ticket to be created and for our team to have sufficient data to diagnose an issue.
Step 1: Following a call during which you experience an issue, click Report this call
Note: You can also report previous calls with issues by searching for them in your call history.
Step 2: Choose the call category from the drop-down menu
Call report categories include:
Audio Latency | An excessive delay between when one party speaks and when the other party hears them. |
Dropped Call | A pattern where a series of calls terminate too early. |
Imperfect Audio Quality | When the audio quality of a call is compromised by static, choppiness, underwater or robotic sounds, or other issues. |
Incorrect Caller ID | When the caller ID information is displayed incorrectly. |
Key Tones Not Captured | When the tones from the key presses are not sent through the line. |
One Way Audio | When only one party’s voice can be heard. |
Post Dial Delay | A delay between the last digit dialed and the start of ringing. |
Unsolicited Call | A call received by an unsolicited caller, such as a telemarketer. |
Step 3: Describe the issue in the notes field. Please include as much detail as possible.
Step 5: Click Send