Capturing Console Logs in Chrome

This article covers how users can retrieve Console logs for RingDNA Dialer in Chrome. By leveraging Chrome's Console logs, users can view what backend behaviors and processes are taking place in Google Chrome when they're using RingDNA Dialer. Having this insight can be incredibly useful for Revenue's Support or Engineering team when troubleshooting is needed. 


Please note, this article uses shows logs being captured in The Intelligent Dialer but, as long as they are being run on Chrome, logs can be captured in any of Revenue's products by following this process.


Capturing Console Logs

In Chrome open RingDNA Dialer, and right-click in the window. Then select Inspect to launch Chrome's DevTools.


Select Console from the DevTools menu bar to display the logs in the Console.

As long as the DevTools window is open Chrome will capture logs in the Console. Therefore, the Console window can be minimized if needed.


Once the proper logs have been captured (for example, logs of the issue ringDNA is troubleshooting) right-click in the Console and select Save as... to save the logs as a file on your local machine.


If needed, please email the log file to or, if a support case has already been opened, include the file in the case's email thread. 

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