Searching Conversations and Advanced Filters



Conversation Search

Users can run a Conversation Search on the Conversations page to find conversations that:

  • Include (or do not include) Keywords or phrases (such as competitors or features)
  • Resulted in successful or unsuccessful outcomes (using Dispositions, Lead Status, or Opportunity Stages)
  • Calls demonstrating particular rep behaviors (frequent interruptions, talking too much, etc.)

To run a Conversations Search: Select Conversations in Conversation AI.



You can use the Filters and Sort options to find conversations that match your specific search criteria.

Conversation Search Filters

Open Text Search

  • The search bar at the top of the page allows users to input search queries - type out what you're searching for and hit enter.
  • This will search call transcripts, call notes, supervisor notes, and participant details.
  • For an exact match, put your text search terms within quotation marks.
    • e.g., To find conversations that specifically said I like Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, enter "I like Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches"


  • For a loose match, type in the text without quotation marks. This will show you conversations that contain all of the text searched for but not necessarily together. 
    • i.e., a Text search of I like Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, (not in quotes) will return conversations in which some words were used at any point within a conversation but not necessarily were said/used together. 
      • They could have said, "We no longer have Peanut butter on our menu due to allergies. However, we still offer jelly and all other sandwiches. I recommend the Turkey sandwich."


  • To mark text as Include or Exclude Criteria: Once you enter a text search, you will see an Advanced Filters notification, clicking Advanced Filters → Active Filters  will indicate your search to include or exclude the inputted search string

Conversation Search: Advanced Filters

Time Filters

  • Timeframe of calls
    • Apply filters based on the date when a conversation occurred
  • Duration of calls
    • Apply filters based on the length of Conversations (A great way to filter out shorter conversations)




Participant Filters

  • Agent Details
    • Agent Name
      • Filter to only show conversations hosted by a specific Rep
    • Agent Team
      • Filter to only show conversations hosted by Reps assigned to a specific team
  • External Meeting Attendee Details
    • Prospect Name
      • Filter to only show conversations attended by a specific prospect/lead/contact/customer's name 
    • Prospect Company
      • Filter to only show conversations attended by a specific prospect/lead/contact/customer's company name 
    • Prospect Title
      • Filter to only show conversations attended by a specific prospect/lead/contact/customer's title (as shown within salesforce) 




Call Details Filters

  • Opportunity Stages
    • Filter to only show conversations that took place during a specific Opportunity Stage
  • Lead Status
    • Filter to only show conversations based on specific lead statuses
  • Type of Conversation
    • Filter to only show conversations that are Audio conversations or Video Conversations
  • Call Direction
    • Filter to only show conversations based on the direction (Inbound calls only or Outbound calls only)
  • Disposition of call
    • Filter to only show conversations based on the disposition reason assigned to the conversation
  • Call Rating (entered by Agent in the RingDNA dialer)
    • Filter to only show conversations based on the Reps entered call ratings within the ringDNA dialer
  • Libraries
    • Filter to only search for conversations within specific Libraries




Keyword Filters

  • Keywords/Keyword groups
    • Filter to only show conversations that contained a specific keyword or any keyword from a specific keyword group
  • Mentioned By:
    • Filter to only show conversations that had particular keywords/keyword groups mentioned by either 
      • The Agent (Rep hosting the conversation)
      • The Participant (Non-internal Agent/Rep meeting attendees)
      • Anyone (mentioned by anyone on a call)
  • Mentioned At:
    • Filter to only show conversations in which specific keywords/keyword groups were detected within a particular part (percentage) of a call
      • e.g.
        • First 25% of a call
        • Last 50% of a call
        • Within the middle of a call (25%-75%)




  • Notes:
    • You must click 'Apply Filter' for filter selections made to take effect
    • By clicking the Active Filters → your selected keywords, you will find calls that do not include the chosen keyword.



      • Has Notes
        • Filter to only show conversations that contain Rep notes
      • Has Supervisor Notes
        • Filter to only show conversations that contain Supervisor notes
      • Has Annotations
        • Filter to only show conversations that contain annotations
      • Shared with Others
        • Filter to only show conversations that were shared
      • Has Tasks
        • Filter to only show conversations that have Salesforce tasks
      • Flagged for Coaching
        • Filter to only show conversations that were flagged for coaching within the ringDNA Dialer



Agent Call Metrics

  • Search by metrics like Agent talk ratio, overtalk incidents, and talk streak length.
  • This section searches specifically for an Agent's conversation etiquette on a call.




Overall Call Metrics

  • Search calls by overall metrics, including interactions, overtalk, and silence
  • This section searches combined metrics between both Agent and Prospect/Customer



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