Creating and Managing Libraries


Libraries Overview

Libraries let Conversation AI Managers store and organize their rep’s conversations. Libraries can be used to save calls that include best practices for training purposes or to increase the ramp time of new hires being onboarded. They can also be used to capture calls where a specific competitor or feature was mentioned or to store coachable moments that other reps can learn from.

A call can be added to a Library manually from an individual call page, or Libraries can be auto-populated with calls using a Saved Search.

While Libraries created will vary by company and industry, a few examples of Libraries include:

  • Onboarding

  • Competition Handling 

  • Aligning Features to Benefits 

  • Rapport Building

Only Conversation AI Managers can Create, manage, and delete libraries.


Creating a Library

1. Within Conversation AI, select the Libraries section from the left navigation panel.


2. Select + Create New Library


3. Enter your new Library’s name in the pop-up window. Hit Save to create the Library.


Adding Conversations to a Library Manually

Calls can be manually added to a Library from the individual conversation page or automatically using Saved Searches.


To manually add a conversation to one or more libraries:

  1. Navigate to a call you'd like to add to a Library or multiple Libraries.
  2. From the Actions dropdown menu, select Add to Library
  3. Select the Library or multiple Libraries to which you’d like to add your conversation and hit Save.


Auto-Populate Libraries with Saved Searches

To save time, users can add calls to a library by connecting their library to a Saved Search. When Saved Search is connected to a Library, Conversation AI will automatically add any call that matches the Saved Search to the connected Library. See Step 5 of Creating Saved Searches.

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