This article walks you through the different ways Notifications can be targeted to users in your organization.
The Notification Targeting setting allows Admins to define a specific subset of users in their Account who can trigger the notification. For example, you may want the Notification to be displayed only when it is triggered on a call by a member of a specific Team (or even an Individual User). The setting provides several options that allow you to customize the target audience for each Notification.
Notification Targeting Options
The available Notification Targeting options are:
- All Users
- Team(s)
- Users with a Specific Salesforce Profile
- Users with a Specific Salesforce Role
- Individual Users
- Excluding Individual Users
All Users
To not limit a Notification to specific groups of users, select "All Users" from the setting dropdown.
When All Users is selected, then all users in your organization with Moments™ enabled will be targeted to receive the Notification when it is triggered.
- IMPORTANT: This does not mean that all users will simultaneously receive the notification when it is triggered; Only the Agent on the call (or their Supervisor) will receive the Notification when it is triggered. This same general rule applies to all other Notification Targeting selections.
To limit a Notification to members of specific Teams, select "Team(s)" from the setting dropdown. On selection, a secondary dropdown will become visible. This dropdown is used to specify the Team(s) whose members will be targeted to receive the Notification. All Teams in your account will be searchable and selectable in this dropdown. Admins can add one (or multiple) Teams to the Notification targeting.
When "Team(s)" is selected and specific Teams are added, then all members of those Teams (who have Moments™ enabled) will be targeted to receive the Notification when it is triggered.
Only the Team members who trigger the Notification will see it in the RingDNA Dialer.
Users with a Specific Salesforce Profile
To limit a Notification to users with specific Salesforce Profiles, select "Users with a Specific Salesforce Profile" from the dropdown. On selection, a secondary dropdown will become visible. This dropdown is used to specify the exact Profile(s) that will be targeted to receive the Notification. All Salesforce Profiles associated with users in your account will be searchable and selectable in this dropdown. Admins can add one (or multiple) Profiles to the Notification.
When "Users with a Specific Salesforce Profile" is selected and specific Profiles are added, then all users who are associated with the Salesforce Profile (who have Moments™ enabled) will be targeted to receive the Notification when it is triggered.
Only the users with the associated Salesforce Profiles who trigger the Notification will see it in the RingDNA Dialer.
Users with a Specific Salesforce Role
To limit a Notification to users with specific Salesforce Roles, select "Users with a Specific Salesforce Role" from the dropdown. On selection, a secondary dropdown will become visible. This dropdown is used to specify the exact Role(s) that will be targeted to receive the Notification. All Salesforce Roles associated with users in your account will be searchable and selectable in this dropdown. Admins can add one (or multiple) Roles to the Notification.
When "Users with a Specific Salesforce Role" is selected and specific Roles are added, then all users who are associated with the Salesforce Role (who have Moments™ enabled) will be targeted to receive the Notification when it is triggered.
Only the users with the associated Salesforce Roles who trigger the Notification will see it in the RingDNA Dialer.
Individual Users
To limit a Notification to a specific user only, select "Individual Users" from the dropdown. On selection, a secondary dropdown will become visible. This dropdown is used to specify the user(s) that will be targeted to receive the Notification. All users in your account will be searchable and selectable in this dropdown. Admins can add one (or multiple) users to the Notification.
When "Individual Users" is selected and specific users are added, then only those users (who have Moments™ enabled) will be targeted to receive the Notification when it is triggered.
Only the individual users added and who trigger the Notification will see it in the RingDNA Dialer.
Excluding Users in Notification Targeting
Just as important as who should receive a Notification is who should not receive one. There are cases where Reps either no longer need to see a Notification or they simply don't want to see one anymore. Rather than re-configuring the Notification Targeting overall, Moments™ allows Admins and Team Supervisors to simply add specific individual users to an "Exclude" list (essentially a blacklist for a Notification).
How to Exclude Users
Within the "Notification Targeting" setting on the "Create/Update Notification" form is a link labeled "Show Advanced Options". (Note: This link is hidden when the "Notification Targeting group" selection is "Individual Users"). Click it:
An "EXCLUDES" setting is displayed and a search field is visible:
Search for and select the name(s) of the Individual User(s) you wish to exclude from receiving the Notification:
After adding the names of users to exclude, click "Save". These excluded users will no longer be eligible to receive this Notification.
Viewing Notification Targeting
The selected Notification Targeting option for each Notification is visible in the Notifications page table (see highlighted section of screenshot below):
Filtering the table by Notification Targeting
Want to quickly find Notifications that are targeted to specific groups in your Account? Use the "Notification Targeting" filter: