Trigger a Notification using Time


By utilizing time-based triggering criteria, Moments users can designate how much time should elapse from the start of the call before a notification can trigger. This is particularly useful when scoping notifications to be precisely relevant at specific timeframes within conversation, regardless of what is spoken or not spoken.


  • Triggering a Checklist 1 sec after the start of a call for a Rep to action on during the conversation

  • Triggering a Notification after 5min into a call to remind the rep to stick to talking points and/or discovery questions

  • Triggering a Notification after 15min into a call to remind the rep to wrap up the conversation and move on to the next

Note: If a call’s duration does not reach the elapsed time value for a time-based triggering notification, the time-based notification will not trigger on the call. e.g. notification is set to trigger at 5min 1sec after the start of the call, the call ends at 4min 58secs. The time-based notification does not trigger.


How It Works



1. Click on Create Notification

Click on Create Notification


2. Give your new Notification a Name

Give your new Notification a Name


3. Select a target audience for your Notification

Select a target audience for your Notification


4. Under Triggering Criteria section, click on Add Criteria

Under Triggering Criteria section, click on Add Criteria


5. Within Triggering Criteria panel, click on Time

Within Triggering Criteria panel, click on Time


6. Enter a time value in minutes and/or secs

Enter a time value in minutes and/or secs


7. Click on Save

Click on Save


8. Under Content section, click on Add Content

Under Content section, click on Add Content


9. In Content Panel, create a new content or choose an existing content to use

In Content Panel, create a new content or choose an existing content to use


10. Once finished creating/editing a content, click Save

Once finished creating/editing a content, click Save


11. Click on Preview

Click on Preview


12. Once finished previewing, click the X to close the preview

once finished previewing, click the X to close the preview


13. Click on Save button to save your Notification

Click on Save button to save your Notification


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