When configuring a new Moments™ Notification, Admins can save a Notification in a draft state prior to all required fields being completed. This feature provides Admins with the flexibility to quickly save basic notification ideas without the worry of losing their work.
The below steps walk you through how to save a draft of a Moments™ Notifications before all required form fields are completed.
1.) Log into the Revenue.io Admin Console
2.) Click on the Moments™ link in the left-hand navigation bar.
3.) Click the "Create Notification" button
4.) On the Create Moments™ Notification page, the only field required for saving a draft is the Name.
5.) Once a text value is entered in the "Name" field, the Moments™ Notification can be saved as a draft.
6.) On click of Save, the draft of the Notification is saved to the table for you to finish working on later. Incomplete/draft notifications are denoted with orange warning icons:
7.) Moments™ Notifications cannot be enabled until all required form fields are completed. When attempting to enable a notification that incomplete, a "Preview available once notification is completed" message is displayed on screen.
8.) To enable a notification, click the Edit button and complete all required fields on the form.
9.) Once all required fields are validated, the notification can be enabled either on the form or on the table