Moments™ User Licenses

Requesting and enabling licenses in an efficient way for Admins is critical for setting them and their teams up for success, so users can easily get access to the tools they need to focus on customer conversations and moving deals forward to close more revenue.

Requesting Moments™ User Licenses

1. Admins who wish to request Moments™ User Licenses must first log into the Admin Console

2. In Account settings, click the Licensing tab

3. On the Licensing tab, the distribution of current Moments™ licenses are visible in the table:


4. To request Moments™ user licenses, click Add Request

5. On the modal, select Add Moments™ Users, enter the number of requested user licenses then click Request to submit your request for additional Moments™ licenses. 


6. After the request is submitted, a member of the Sales or Support team will reach out to complete the order.


Enabling Moments™ User Licenses for Users

1. If there are 1 or more Remaining Moments™ User Licenses, proceed to step 2.

If the Remaining value is 0, go to the top of this article and follow the "Requesting Moments™ User Licenses" steps.

2. Navigate to the User Settings page for the specific user you want to enable Moments™ for by clicking Users in the sidebar:


3. Search for and then click on the User Name to navigate to their User Settings page:

4. Click the Off switch next to Enable Moments™ to toggle it ON:

5. Click Save to apply your change.


6. Moments™ notifications are now enabled for the user. When a Moments™ notification targets this user and the user meets the trigger criteria of the Notification (for example they say a Phrase on a call that triggers a notification), then the user will receive a Moments™ Notification in the RingDNA Dialer.

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