This article covers how to add Guided Selling's Sequence Module, custom button, the Participant Action related list, and the Participant Sequence History related list, to a Lead or Contact page layout.
Adding Guided Selling references to a page layout puts Guided Selling's tools at a user's fingertips when they're on a Lead or Contact's page. Agents and Admins can view past and upcoming Participant Actions, add or remove a record from a Sequence, and gain insight into how many emails or calls from the Sequence the Lead or Contact has engaged with.
Accessing Page Layouts
Note:Typically users must be Salesforce Administrators in order to access their Org's Page Layouts.
To access Page Layouts in Salesforce (Lightning):
1. In Salesforce, click the gear icon, then select Setup to launch the Setup Console
2. In Setup, click Object Manager. In the Quickfind box, enter Lead if setting up a Lead page layout or Contact if setting up a Contact page layout.
3. Select Page Layouts from the sidebar to view the Lead or Contact page layouts. Then choose the page layout you wish to add the Guided Selling references to. This should be the page layout that Guided Selling users will be viewing Leads or Contacts on.
Add Sequence Module
The Sequence Module will enable users to utilize the following features from within the Contact/Lead page:
- Add a Contact/Lead to a Manual Sequence
- View the Sequence the Contact/Lead is currently participating in
- Remove a Contact/Lead from Sequence
- Sequence Action Management:
- Skip Actions
- See completed Action outcomes
- View additional information about Actions
1. Create a Section for the Sequence Module by selecting Fields and then entering Sections in the Component builder.
2. Click and drag Sections to where you'd like the module to be displayed on the page. Then set the following Section properties:
- Section Name: Sequence Module
- Display Header On: Detail Page, Edit Page
- Layout: 1-Column
Once the properties have been set, click OK to apply them.
3. Navigate back to the Component builder, and select Visualforce Pages from the sidebar. Then click and drag ParticipantsActionsOverview_Lead if on a Lead Page Layout, or ParticipantsActionsOverview_Contactif on a Contact Page Layout to the Sequence Module Section.
4. Hover your mouse over the Visualfoce page, then select the wrench icon to edit the Visualforce page properties to the following:
- Width (in pixels or %): 100%
- Height (in pixels): 500
- Show scrollbars: True
- Show label: False
Once the properties have been applied press OK.
5. Click Save in the Component Builder to add the Visualforce page to the layout.
6. Once the Visualforce page has been saved to the layout it should be displayed on the Lead or Contact's record page.
Add Custom 'Add to Sequence' Button
Guided Selling provides a custom button entitled Add to Sequence that can be added to Lead or Contact layouts. This button allows users to add an individual record to a manual Sequences if the Lead or Contact matches the Sequence's Entrance Criteria.
1. Navigate to the page layout you wish to add the button to, then select Buttons from the sidebar in the Component builder.
2. Drag the Add to Sequence button to the Custom Buttons section of the page layout.
3. Click Save to apply your edit.
Participant Action Related List
By adding the Sequence Actions Related List to the Lead or Contact page layouts, users gain full visibility into the actions that have been scheduled and performed for a Lead or Contact.
1. Navigate to the page layout you wish to add the related list to, then select Related Lists from the sidebar in the Component builder.
2. Select Participant Actions from Related Lists, then click and drag it into the Related Lists section on the Page Layout.
3. OPTIONAL: If users would like to see what Sequences a record has been a Participant in they can leverage the Participant Sequence History Related List.
To add Participant Sequence History select Participant Sequence History from Related Lists in the Component Builder.
Then, click and drag Participant Sequence History to the Related Lists section of the Page Layout.