Engage Blocked or Refusing to Load

If you are receiving a “Content Block” or “Refused to Connect” error when loading Guided Selling Pages, there is a Salesforce security setting that can prevent Visual Force pages from loading.


There are two options for resolving this error: 
  1. Disable the Clickjack Protection Setting for standard headers & disabled headers
  2. Add the VisualForce domain(s) to the Trusted Domains

Disable the Clickjack Protection Setting

To disable the setting navigate to Setup → search in the quick find for “session” → Click Session Settings → under the “Clickjack Protection” section of the Session Settings page, click to disable (uncheck the box) “Enable clickjack projection for customer Visualforce pages with standard headers” and the “Enable clickjack protection for custom Visualforce pages with headers disabled” → click Save


Add the VisualForce domain(s) to the Trusted Domains

Alternatively, your organization may require that Clickjack Protection stay enabled. If this is the case you will need to add the visualforce domains to the trusted pages list. This URL will be unique per Salesforce org, but it should follow this URL scheme:

If you have questions, please create a case with our Support Team to assist. 

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