Create or Update a Sandbox

This article will guide you through the process of setting up a Sandbox and associate it to your existing Salesforce sandbox. This allows for Administrators to try new features or test functionality in a Salesforce sandbox without affecting live production data.

Creating a new Sandbox

Follow these steps to create a new sandbox:

  1. Install the RingDNA by Chrome Extension
  2. Click on the Extension icon in Chrome and open RingDNA
  3. Before clicking log in, make sure to select "Sandbox" as the connection method (instead of the usual "Production").
  4. Login using your Sandbox credentials.
    • If your Sandbox uses SSO, click "Use Custom Domain" and enter your sandbox's Custom Domain.
  5. Input a US or Canadian area code to be allocated a Smart Number to test with.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 3.20.34 PM.pngScreenshot 2025-01-30 at 3.24.35 PM.png

  1. After successfully logging in for the first time, your Sandbox will be created and you can log in to the Admin Console to manage the account's settings.
    • Note: Your settings and users will not map over from your Production account. Sandboxes are effectively new instances.

Adding Additional Users

If you need to allow access to more than one user in your sandbox (e.g., sales reps or administrators), our Support team will be able to help provision additional licenses to your sandbox. The amount of licenses cannot exceed the number allocated to your Production account.

Contact our Support team with the number of users that need access and our team will assist you with provisioning the necessary "sandbox" licenses at no additional cost.


Refreshing an Existing Sandbox

If your Salesforce organization has been refreshed (e.g., after a Salesforce instance refresh), the OrgID and UserID may change. In this case, you will need to provide support with your new OrgID and UserID to ensure the sandbox is correctly linked to your refreshed Salesforce environment.

Steps to Reconnect your Sandbox

  1. Determine If Your Org Was Refreshed: If your organization ID (OrgID) has changed after a refresh, it’s essential to update your sandbox configuration with the new OrgID and UserID. If you are receiving "Connect User Invalid" emails from your sandbox, than it's likely the OrgID has changed.
  2. Contact Support: Once your Salesforce organization has been refreshed, send a request to support with the following details:
    • Your New OrgID
    • Your New UserID

How to Find Your New OrgID

  1. Log into your Salesforce Sandbox instance.
  2. In the top-right corner, click the gear icon and select Setup.
    In the left-hand panel, under the Company Settings section, click Company Information.
    Here you’ll find the Salesforce Organization ID (OrgID). It will be a 15 or 18 character alphanumeric code that begins with "00D".

How to Find Your New UserID

  1. In Salesforce, click on your user avatar in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Refer to the URL of the page to find your UserID. This ID is usually a 18-character string unique to your Salesforce account and begins with "005".

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