Common Telephony Error Codes

Voice Error Codes

13224, 21210, 21211, 21212, 21217, 21401 The number you are attempting to call is invalid or disconnected. Please check the number and try again.


Invalid Country Code. Please check the number and try again.

13227, 13227,

21203, 21215

You are calling into a country your Administrators have not enabled yet.
13486, 31600 The number you are trying to call responded with a busy signal.
21210, 21264 You attempted to initiate an outbound phone call, but the 'From' number you are attempting to use is not a verified number for your account. If you are using the "Outbound Number" feature, please ensure you are using a number. Using an external (non-verified) number can result in carriers rejecting the call with an error.
21216 The number you are trying to call has been blocked by the carrier for your protection due to high fraud risk.
31201 Error occurred while accessing microphone. Check for conflicting applications that might be accessing or attempting to access the microphone. Try unplugging and reconnecting the microphone, if applicable, to reacquire the microphone.
32016 PDD Timeout. Destination unreachable across multiple carrier routes. Please check if the phone number is valid or try again.

Intermediary / Carrier Analytics blocked call due to poor reputation score on the telephone number. Possibly caused by low answer rates, too many low duration calls, or too many reports of spam. See Maintaining a Positive Caller Reputation


SHAKEN/STIR call verification failed. 


SMS Error Codes

30003 - Destination unavailable

The delivery of your message failed due to an unavailable or unreachable destination. Common examples are a user who is outside of cellular service or whose mobile device is powered off.

30004 - Message blocked

The destination number you are trying to reach is blocked from receiving this message or the recipient has previously responded with "STOP" or another opt-out keyword.

30005 - Unknown Destination

The destination number you are trying to reach is unknown and may no longer exist.

30006 - Landline or unreachable

Your message was sent to a landline, or an unreachable carrier.

30007 - Message filtered

The contents of the message were flagged automatically by the carrier's filtering system. Ensure your messages do not include shortened links or content that may look like spam.

30008 - Unknown error

We received a generic error from the carrier indicating the message could not be delivered. No reason was provided. Our Support team can investigate what went wrong. Please open a Support request and include a minimum of 3 or more examples from the Message Detail report.

30019 - Message content too large

Message failed because the size of the content associated with the message exceeded carrier limit. Images should be in jpeg, png, or gif format and all attachments should be under 5MB.

30024 - Sender not authorized

If you recently ported a Mobile number, you may see this error if the SMS port hasn't completed 100%.

30034 - Sender not registered for A2P

You are sending messages to the US using a US number that is not associated with an approved A2P 10DLC Campaign. If you recently ported the number in, the registration may still be in-progress. If the error persists, please contact Support.

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