The Moments Application is directly embedded within Microsoft Teams for customers who have connected the Revenue application to Microsoft Teams.
The experience within Microsoft Teams is similar to accessing the Moments application via the Web or Desktop with the only difference that you can interact with the Moments application directly within the MS Teams application. All of the functionality that you know to expect within the application is housed in Teams.
How It Works
First, make sure that an admin has integrated Microsoft Teams and that your Revenue user has been connected to your Microsoft account.
Next, open your Microsoft Teams application
You can select the three dots in the left-hand navigation to open up your application search. Select the Revenue application from the list. If you don't see the Revenue application simply search for it by entering "Revenue"
By default, you will be able to see your chat history with the Revenue application. Here you can interact with the application using a series of chat prompts that allow you to enable or disable recordings, view the recording status of an upcoming meeting, and revive updates when your conversations have been analyzed by Revenue and are available in Conversation AI for playback.
Click on the Moments™ Tab to open the embedded Moments™ application in Teams. By default, you will see a notification that states that you do not have an active meeting.
Once you initiate a meeting via Microsoft Teams that has recording enabled, the Moments tab will update to show you the full application experience. Please note that without a recording policy in place for a Microsoft Teams conversation, you will not be able to use the Moments™ Application.
Once you have started a live recorded Microsoft Teams meeting you can engage with the application to view and manage notifications and checklists, view and manage participants, and capture information for a meeting to log back to Salesforce.
If you want to learn more about the Revenue application you can select the "About" tab within the application to view information regarding the version of the application an to get quick references to our website and privacy policy.