Log Booked Calendar Events to Salesforce

Having the ability to discern when in the Sales process a meeting occurred can be critical to understanding the entire scope of a customer's journey. However, the event of logging these meetings as well as the contextual data such as who attended the meeting, when the meeting occurred, where it was held, etc, can be burdensome since it either requires a Sales rep to manually log data or a third-party tool to automate the data logging.

To remove these burdens, save reps time, and increase the visibility for all Revenue users, meetings booked through the Revenue.io calendar will automatically be logged as an Event in Salesforce, along with contextual data like who hosted the meeting, the meeting's start time, end time, and location.

If the meeting is booked with an email address associated with an existing Contact or Lead record the Event will automatically be associated with that Contact or Lead. If the email address matches a Contact and a Lead the meeting will be associated with the Contact record so that Sales Managers can get a clear picture of activity timeline histories for each respective record.



How It Works 

When a meeting is booked on the Revenue.io calendar, Revenue will use data points from the Scheduling Page and Calendar to populate the following fields on the Event in Salesforce:

  • Assigned To: Calendar owner
  • Subject: Name of the booked Scheduling Page
  • Start: Start date/time of the booked meeting 
  • End: End date/time of the booked meeting
    • End time is calculated by start time + meeting duration
  • Location: Meeting link (if available)
  • Type -- Revenue will automatically populate "Revenue.io Calendar Booking" in the Type field 

If the email address used to book the meeting matches the email address associated with a Lead or Contact, Revenue will automatically associate the Event to that record.


What Happens If a Meeting Is Booked With an Email That Matches Multiple Records?

If the email address used to book the meeting matches multiple records:

  • If there is a single Contact and one or more Leads with the same email address, the Contact will be associated with the Event.
  • If there are multiple Contacts with the same email address, the Contact that was most recently updated will be associated with the Event.
  • If there are no Contacts and multiple Leads with the same email address, the Lead that was most recently updated will be associated with the Event. 

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