Participant Actions
- Action Activation Is the Action Manual or Automatic? (Email only)
- Action ID Lookup to the Sequence Action (the Action record within the Sequence)
- Action Name Pulls the name off the Sequence Action—it’s a formula so it updates in the event the Action is renamed
- Action Opt Out If True, the action was skipped due to Email Opt out or Do Not Call being true on Lead or Contact records
- Action Template Pulls the name of the Email Template—it’s a formula so it updates in the event the Action is renamed
- Action Type Provides the action type. It’ll be an email, call, sms, or task
- Actual Execution Date The date and time the action was executed
- Automated Voicemail Was an automated voicemail used?
- Automated Voicemail Used What automated voicemail was used?
- Bad Merge Syntax Detected True if a bad merge field is detected. This blocks the email from sending
- Call Connected Did a call last more than 90 seconds?
- Call Disposition What disposition was used on a call?
- Call Duration How many seconds was the call?
- Call By Hour of Day (Local) What local time was the call placed?
- Called Back? Is this used?
- Contact ID Lookup to Participant record when a Contact is used
- Created By Running user who created the Participant Action
- Draft If true, custom email content is in draft mode and not saved; the original email template will be sent. If false, new email content has been saved and is ready to send.
- Draft Template ID Edited email template id, Edited from participant actions overview.
- Email ID Legacy field no longer in use
- Email Links Clicked True if a URL within the sent email was clicked
- Email Opened True if the email sent was opened
- Email Opened Date Date and time the email was first opened
- Email Opens Rollup the number of times an email was opened
- Email Replied True if the email received a reply
- Email Replied Date Date and time the email was replied to
- Email Replies Rollup the number of times an email was replied to
- Email Send Method LEGACY Legacy field
- Email Sent True if the email was successfully sent
- Email Sent Date Date and time the email was sent
- Expected Execution Date Date and time the action is currently scheduled to become due
- From Email Email address a sent email is sent from
- Index Sequential number of the Action within the Sequence (starting at zero)
- Is Field Update Pending Used on backend to make field updates are action is executed
- IsActionInitiated True when an email is sent to Server—Email Sent will be true once the email is confirmed to be sent
- IsActionPerformed True once an action is executed
- IsConvertedToManualAction Legacy field
- isDeferred True if the action is skipped by the user
- Last Modified By User who last updated the record
- Lead ID Lookup to Participant record when a Lead is used
- Link Click Date Date and time that a URL was first clicked in a sent email
- Link Clicked True if a URL was clicked in an email
- Lock Email Updates Set to true at the beginning of an email send transaction to stop replies from incorrectly posting
- Nylas Message ID Legacy field
- Nylas Thread ID Id of Nylas thread using email has been sent from RingDNA API.
- Opportunity ID Legacy field
- Owner Owner of the action. Gets reassigned based on the delegation setting for the Sequence
- Participant Action Name Name of Lead or Contact in the Sequence
- Participant Company Name of the Company (Lead) or Account (Contact)
- Participant Email Email address email was sent to
- Participant ID Lead or Contact ID
- Participant is Converted Backend field used in Participant Action deletion validation
- Participant is Disassociated Backed field used in Participant Action deletion validation
- Participant Name Name of the Lead or Contact
- Participant Owner The owner name of the Lead or Contact
- Participant Owner ID The owner ID of the Lead or Contact
- Participant Phone The phone number to use on Engage for Call and SMS actions.
- Participant Type Designates whether a lead or contact is in the Sequence
- Popped from Queue The time that this Participant Action was removed from the Sequence Drip Queue
- Retry Count Number of attempts made to send the email before receiving confirmation
- Sequence Active True if the Sequence is active. If not, the Action will not show on Engage
- Sequence ID ID for the Sequence
- Sequence Name Name of the Sequence
- Sequence Type Type of Sequence: Lead, Contact, Opportunity, or Campaign
- Sequence Priority Priority of Sequence against others when matching for entrance
- Show on Engage True if Action is eligible to show on Engage—remains true after the action is completed
- Status Formula field for status of action. Statuses will be Future for upcoming actions, Active if currently due, Completed if action is executed, and Disabled if action is Inactive
- Subject
- System Deferral Reason Used to troubleshoot--will give reason an Action is skipped
- Task ID Lookup field for an associated Task record
- Template Edited True if the user edited the Template on Enage or the Participant Action module.
- Template ID Template used for action
- Unique ID Identifier used on the backend to prevent duplicate actions
- Update Expected Execution Date Used by the backend to keep actions up to date for execution timing
- Valid Draft Template ID Used on the backend to validate the template
Action Count Number of Actions in the Sequence
- Created By The user who created the Sequence
- Delegated Owner Lookup Name of field used for Delegation
- Drip Participants per Day Number of Participants to add to Sequence per day
- Drip Prioritization Not currently in use
- Entrance Criteria Full entrance criteria used (long text field so it can’t show in reports)
- Entrance Criteria PE Backend field used for troubleshooting
- Exit Criteria Full exit criteria used (long text field so it can’t show in reports)
- Exit Criteria PE Backend field used for troubleshooting
- Last Modified By Last user to modify the Sequence
- matching priority Priority is used when a record matches more than one Sequence
- Name Name of the Sequence
- Owner The user who created the Sequence
- Participant Activation How a participant enters the Sequence—manual or automatic
- Record Type Type of Sequence—Lead, Contact, Opportunity, or Campaign
- Reentry Enabled True if participants can re-enter the Sequence more than once
- Status True if the Sequence is Active
- Total Participants Number of participants currently in the Sequence—used to limit participants to 10,000.
- Action Criteria PE Backend field used for troubleshooting
- Action Criteria Criteria used to determine whether action should wait, be skipped, or be ready to execute
- Action ID Identifier for Action
- Created By Running user who created the action
- Day Number of days to wait before coming due following previous action
- Delegated Owner ID of field used to assign the Action
- Delegated Owner Lookup Name of field used to assign the action
- Fields to Update Action Field to be automatically updated following action execution
- Hour Number of days to wait before coming due following previous action
- Index Sequential number of the action within the Sequence starting with zero
- Last Modified By User who last modified the record
- Name Name of the Action within the Sequence
- Priority Priority of the Action as it appears on Engage (High, Medium, or Low)
- Priority_number
- Sequence ID Name of the Sequence the Action is part of
- Skip Action Criteria Criteria for when the action will be automatically skipped
- Trigger Type Determines if the action is Immediate or Time Based. Immediate actions execute/show on Engage immediately following the previous action. Time Based will wait based on the Hours and Days set
Participant Sequence History
- Attribution Threshold If a Lead conversion occurred on or after this time, it will be converted to the parent Sequence of this History record
- Contact ID Contact record that was in the Sequence
- Conversion Attributed True if Lead Conversion falls within configured # days from Sequence Exit Date, this field will be
- Converted Opportunity ID Opportunity record is created once a lead in a Sequence is converted
- Created By The user who exited the participant from a Sequence
- Exit Criteria Met Criterion met to exit participant from Sequence
- Last Completed Participant Action Last Participant action completed prior to the exit from the Sequence
- Last Modified By The user who last modified the record
- Lead Converted Date Date the lead in a Sequence was converted
- Lead ID Lead record that was in a Sequence
- Opportunity Contact Role ID Lookup to the OCR for the Contact to the Opportunity (LEGACY)
- Participant ID Lead or Contact in the Sequence
- Participant Iteration How many times a participant has entered the sequence when re-entry is enabled
- Participant Sequence History Number Sequence number identifying the Participant Sequence History record
- Participant Snapshot
- Grabs a snapshot of the lead or contact record to troubleshoot
- Sequence Entry Date
- Date and time the participant entered the Sequence
- Sequence Exit Date
- Date and time the participant exited the Sequence
- Sequence Exit Type Whether the participant was automatically or manually exited from the Sequence
- Sequence ID ID for the Sequence used in reporting
- Unique ID ID used on the backend