Moments™ provides the ability to serve relevant information to a rep based on the situational context of a conversation. The question is, are they using that information? This dashboard provides insight into how reps are engaging with notifications triggered based on the inclusion of a phrase, time, or conversation etiquette behavior.
What insights can I draw from the report?
You can leverage the Interaction dashboard to get insights into
- How useful specific notifications are to your team - Leverage the overall stat metrics and the agent comparison chart to understand what reps are getting the most out of the notifications you provide them.
- Track trends in engagement with notifications over time - Use the notification engagement over time chart to see if engagement is increasing of decreasing.
- The effectiveness of individual notifications - Use the engagement by notification chart to see what notifications are getting the highest rate of engagement.
What is included in the report?
The dashboard contains a dynamic list of statistic cards and charts that highlight a full spectrum of insights into how reps are interacting with notifications that are based on an included phrase, time, or conversation etiquette behavior.
Statistic Cards
- Notifications Triggered - The total number of notifications triggered for the selected time period or applied filters.
- Automatically Completed - The percentage of notifications that are completed by using a notification completion phrase.
- Manually Completed - The percentage of notifications where a rep marked the notification as completed via the "Done" option within a notification.
- Closed - The percentage of time when a rep manually closed the notification via the "X" option within the notification card.
- No Engagement - The percentage of time when a notification was triggered and a user did not manually mark it as done or close it. These notifications would have been visible to the user during the conversation but not dismissed.
- What is the trend of interactions over time? - A time series chart that stacks the percentage of engagement of notifications over time.
- What is the interaction engagement per agent? - A chart that highlights the engagement rates of each rep within the applied filters.
- What is the interaction engagement per notification? - A table that highlights engagement stats on an individual notification basis.